“September 2022 Spotlight”

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People’s Party of Canada

A friend of mine recently decided to throw her name in the hat as a Candidate and run for the Election.

She chose to run for the People’s Party of Canada – here is an excerpt from her Brochure…

“It is time to stand up to assist in creating and establishing a better environment and country for our children, grandchildren and all future generations to come.

I am a confident, highly motivated individual to being heard and making a difference.  My passion for social justice, making a tangible difference in the community and desiring to assist in resolving people’s problems make me an ideal candidate for this riding.

I believe it is important to stand up for what you believe in, maintain your morals and cultivate core values.  I take pride in establishing long lasting relationships through honesty, integrity and by helping others.

I am a very passionate individual who believes in bettering the community one task or person at a time.

It feels so good to be part of a party with clear principles, that defends them openly, with passion and conviction.”

Her moto was “Be the change you want to see!”

She asked me to be her Official Agent and assist her in her Campaign.

On this whirlwind journey with her, I learned a lot about Politics, Campaigning, and about a party that previously I really hadn’t known much about.

I am grateful for her making this sacrifice, taking the chance to do something completely out of her wheel house, while allowing me to be part of it.

If you don’t know much about the People’s Party of Canada, I encourage you to do so.

Take time to read and learn about who they are and what they stand for – which might align with your beliefs and desire’s for our Country.

The below information is taken off their website.

The People’s Party of Canada brings together common sense, populism, classical conservatism, and libertarianism to create solutions adapted for the challenges of the 21st century. Our beliefs are succinctly summarized in our four founding principles. These principles guide and inform the policies of the People’s Party:

  • Freedom                                                                                             
  • Responsibility
  • Fairness
  • Respect


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