Second Adventure Image

Chapter 2

My mom…

To give you an idea, my mom is in her eighties currently.

There are going to be many chapters on the mishaps of my mother.

Right now as I am thinking about her, I am reminded of Mr. Bean… things just happened around her.

Why, I have no idea. She didn’t try to make them happen. She wasn’t a comedian. She sure didn’t enjoy these things – they just took place.

These mishaps are not going to be in any set order – just as I remember them, I will write them. So they will jump around my lifetime with her.

The one that sticks in my mind the most is my mom being in a beautiful hotel in a tropical island.

My parents took this trip to relax. They hadn’t retired yet.

They were in their late sixties, early seventies and were with my sister’s family.

She had gone up to her room on the 15th floor to get something she had forgotten – that has happened a lot with her, all through her life.

She was waiting at the elevator with another older lady (total stranger) to go back down to the lobby to meet the rest of the family when the elevator opened – it was going up.

Now most people would wait for it to come back down – not my mom. She said to the lady there – why not go for a ride!

So they entered thinking they would go up and then end up at their destination in the lobby momentarily.

Well not so much…

They went up and there was an incident, the elevators were shut down and they had to walk down 26 flights of stairs to get to the lobby.

Mom is pretty sure that lady “wished her for dead” after their arduous journey down to the lobby.

They were exhausted.

This was mom’s first day on the island and by the end of their stair journey, neither of them could barely walk.

For the rest of the trip, mom had such bad shin splints, she hurt every time she took a step.

It was anything but a relaxing trip.

You would think this would have put a damper on my mom’s trip.

Nope, not her…she laughs hysterically every time she tells this story and has to stop numerous times to wipe the tears from her eyes during her recollection.

That’s what makes it funny with her – even though these things frustrate her – she laughs while they are happening and after when she recalls them.

I guess that is what makes these mishaps so memorable.

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