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My Tenth Finding...

The Liver - I touched on this somewhat in My Sixth Finding

The liver is an extremely important organ in our body. Over the last few years I have found out just how important it is and how when it is out of balance it can affect so many things and have many consequences and side effects.

I am still on my journey to getting my body function fully and on my journey to becoming completely healthy, whole and complete. (At least that is my prayer and I am doing my part to try to make that happen)

The Liver and Its Functions

(excerpt taken from:,lobules%20(or%20small%20lobes )

The liver is the largest solid organ in the body. It removes toxins from the body’s blood supply, maintains healthy blood sugar levels, regulates blood clotting, and performs hundreds of other vital functions. It is located beneath the rib cage in the right upper abdomen.

Key Facts

  • The liver filters all of the blood in the body and breaks down poisonous substances, such as alcohol and drugs.
  • The liver also produces bile, a fluid that helps digest fats and carry away waste.
  • The liver consists of four lobes, which are each made up of eight sections and thousands of lobules (or small lobes).

So, to sum it up, the liver is your filter which takes out bad things that would otherwise make you sick. (my words)

What does the liver do?

(excerpt taken from: )

The liver performs hundreds of vital bodily functions. Yes, it removes harmful substances, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Here are a few of the liver’s most important roles:

Digestion – The liver helps support proper digestion. It’s where bile is produced, and bile is a fluid that is essential in fat absorption. If the liver isn’t working correctly, your digestion won’t either.

Maintaining metabolic balance – One of the liver’s many jobs is maintaining metabolic homeostasis, which means balancing the uptake of oxygen and glucose. For example, the liver will ensure there’s not too much or too little glucose in your bloodstream. It creates the right balance for optimum performance.

Protein and hormone creation – The liver synthesizes proteins and hormones, which both perform important functions throughout the body. 

Reducing inflammation – There is a protein produced by the liver that can help reduce chronic or low-grade inflammation. This protein has anti-inflammatory and cell-protecting properties.

Neutralizing toxins – The liver helps eliminate toxins from your body. It breaks down toxins and harmful substances so they can be excreted.

With all the work the liver does, you’ll want to take care of it. One of the ways you can help protect your liver health is by drinking less alcohol.

So, as you can see the liver is highly important to everyday function. This is why drinking water is so important – it helps to keep the filter clean. (my words)

When I was in my late 20’s I was visiting my aunt who was a Reflexologist. She told me one of the worst things you can do for your liver is drink cold fluids – ice in your drinks. She said it makes your liver overwork before even doing its job. This puts added stress on your liver, which cause issues later on in life.

I am not a scientist or doctor or anything of that nature by far, but I have witnessed health issues in my close friends and family that have drank cold fluids for years and are now experiencing many difficulties.

These difficulties include but are not limited to:

  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver
  • Skin issues
  • Hair issues (such as alopecia, hair loss, hair thinning, etc.)
  • Total diet change required (which is not easy to do after years of habits)
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Swelling
  • Bruise easily
  • Digestive issues

There are other issues that have contributed as well, such as medications, over the counter pain medications, these are very hard on your liver over time and they are paying the price now in their older age.

Things you can do to help heal your liver:

  1. Drink less alcohol
  2. Drink more water
  3. Eat foods that support the liver
  4. Do a 3 day low sugar smoothie cleanse for your liver – by just having smoothies it gives the liver a vacation from having to process food
  5. Lower your daily sugar intake (this also means some carbs)
  6. Drink luke warm fluids
  7. Be mindful of what you are putting into your body

You only have one body and when we are young we take advantage of things because they don’t seem to affect us.

Take it from an older woman – all those decisions catch up with you and you will have regrets later on!

I now know a lot of this and have tried to implement things for the betterment of my body and my family’s bodies but even some of the things that he says below were new and shocking to me!

Complications in Drinking Cold Water

(excerpt taken from

  • Excessive cold water consumption can cause the closure of four veins, and in the process lead to heart attack.
  • “It can create problems in the liver, make fats to stick in the liver and affect the large intestine which on its own can result in cancer,” he said.
  • Ogbinaka advised that people should drink normal temperature water to avoid complications at old age.
  • According to the medical doctor, the effect may be gradual, it is capable of catching up with the person at old age.
  • Ogbinaka said that cold water could make the blood vessels to shrink thereby causing indigestion.
  • “Drinking cold water can cause the food we consume not to digest properly, meaning that nutrients won’t get absorbed by the body the way they should,” he said.(NAN)

I hope that you have learned some things are considering researching and investigating further and possibly implementing some changes to your lifestyle. Trust me, you will be glad you did sooner rather than later!

There are many things out there that we can learn about our bodies – it is important for you to be in charge of your health journey by capturing as much information as is possible, making educated decisions and learning what makes your body tick.

If you haven’t already read the Ninth Finding, please do – that is a good place to start with educating oneself.

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