First Adventure Image

I was wondering where do I begin in this journey…and it came to me – my mom!

My mom and I didn’t always see eye to eye but we had a lot of laughter growing up.

I wasn’t the easiest child to raise. I was independent and had an inner strength that has been very advantageous in adulthood but was probably a bit of a struggle and a handful in a child and definitely wasn’t easy during those teenage years…I know I challenged her on many occasions and if anyone should have had a reason to drink, it was my mom but she didn’t – never touched a drop! She didn’t drink, smoke or anything else along that lines. Enough happens to her sober, can’t imagine if she was a drinker!! She’s too funny sober, never needed anything else!

My mom is one of those people that things just happen to. You know, we all have or know those people. They could just be standing there minding their own business and something just tends to happen around them and to them and somehow they kind of end up in the middle of things. Well, this is my mom…and it made life growing up with her interesting.

I am sure this has frustrated my mom as it is beyond her control, however, it has been an avenue of entertainment for those around her.

My mom is one of those people that sees the best in people, keeps a positive attitude in almost any situation, wouldn’t swear if her mouth was full of it, worries about everything and everyone, has a great heart and knows how to laugh at and with herself! She has many great attributes.

Funny thing is, one of my best friends has a lot of these qualities and similarities as my mother. Shit just seems to happen around and to her as well. So between the two of them they have given me many reasons to laugh, and kept it exciting - I could write a book just on them! They will definitely be my main characters, focal point, entertainment and enjoyment for you but there will be others that will join in the fun as well.

Back to my mom…

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