Journey to Recovery Image

My First Finding...

I stumbled upon this information after doctoring for almost a year trying to find out what was going on with me. I had so many symptoms (18 from the list below and a few more) and no idea what the root cause was. The medical end result was I ended up having 3 hernias and had surgery which fixed some things, but it was not the root cause by any means.

However, I had struggled most of my life with getting sick easy and for lengthy periods – everyone else seemed to get a cold or flu for a few days, I would get sick for weeks and catch anything that was going around. I had bowel issues that seemed to bother me throughout my life and struggled with energy and exhaustion on a regular basis, even though I slept well and got plenty of rest daily.

While I was waiting on the doctors to figure out what was wrong with me, I started to investigate things and this is what I came up with. I believe these issues plague a lot of people as symptoms, irritants or life changing moments. I have been on this journey now for 2 years and feel healthier than I ever have before. I still have to watch some things and I have learned my body throughout this process that I do catch things early on. I do cheat a bit on the diet – that’s for sure but I do regular things to combat what I am eating.

This is taken from numerous websites, webinars, readings, and any other resource that I found helpful. Throughout this information are comments I have added along the way as well.

I hope you take the time to at least skim this information and if you struggle with any of these issues, I hope that you find some useful information that you can use to feel better as well.

I made this up as more of a diary for me as I learned it and implemented things in my life and then I started sharing it with friends and relatives. They found the information beneficial and started to incorporate things into their lives and have seen results as well. This is not a cure, simply information being passed on to be shared and so that we can maybe learn something new that might help you or someone you know.

Life is too short to feel awful.

Candida infection:

There are over 150 – 200 different species of Candida living in our bodies - 15 – 20 of them can get

Infected and 5 of them can cause severe symptoms – called Systemic Candidiasis includes a spectrum of yeast infections caused by different species of Candida.

It is a serious infection that can affect the blood, brain, eyes, bones, abdomen, digestive system and other parts of the body. If not detected and continually allowed to grow and spread, it can be deadly and cause septic shock of the body – worst case scenario. But it makes you think – doesn’t it…

These different species of Candida live mostly inside the body but some is on the external part of our skin as well.

The Candida is either in the form of good bacteria or infected bacteria.

Once infected it goes from being good bacteria to being infected and causes all sorts of symptoms in our bodies, and continues to grow and multiply and cause even more problems in our day to day life as it starts to take over your body. Other symptoms can develop if the infection spreads to other parts of the body, such as the heart, brain, eyes, bones, or joints. Sounds nasty really.

Symptoms include but are not limited to:

  • migraines
  • itchy ears
  • itchy anus and or vagina
  • nausea
  • bloating
  • acid reflux
  • sinus infections
  • seasonal allergies
  • ringworm
  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • chronic fatigue
  • acne
  • skin issues (eczema, skin yeast infections, etc.)
  • hair issues (losing hair)
  • mood swings
  • anxiety or depression
  • urinary tract infection
  • joint pain
  • weight gain or weight loss or weight fluctuates
  • digestive issues
  • abdominal pains and cramping
  • brain fog
  • memory issues
  • can turn into dementia or Alzheimer’s

You know it’s in the blood stream once it affects the skin, hair, and the pain related symptoms – joint pain, abdominal pain, etc. Once in the blood stream it causes more problems and debilitates the patient even more.

It can be just irritating symptoms to varying symptoms to be all consuming your life and keeping you in bed sick until it is dealt with or reaches the worst case scenario. It continues to get worse and cause many ailments until it is finally confronted.

It often gets misdiagnosed for female issues, IBS, autoimmune disease, age, menopause, many other diagnosis, etc. These are just symptoms and until the root cause of the issue is dealt with, they will keep plaguing your life. Deal with the root cause and watch these symptoms dwindle with time until they hopefully disappear.

  • There is a lot of information on the web about this infection. Google is a wonderful tool to utilize.
  • I buy a lot of my vitamins and minerals at Walmart due to the cost savings. The brand I prefer is Webber Naturals due to it being better quality at a good price. Some I get through my Naturopath or local Health store.

There are 3 steps that have to take place on the road to recovery:

  1. Starve the candida: reduce your sugar & starch intake – check out the candida diet (short term life change (usually 1-12 months depending on severity of symptoms) and see the website information for different recipe ideas.
  2. Eliminate the candida:
    • Herbal Remedies – Different types of natural herbal remedies to help aid in the elimination process (Black Walnut, Wormwood, a combination of the two, Candida Stop by New Roots and there are many other items that you can purchase with an online search that are Candida related – choose the one that best suits you)
    • Apple Cider Vinegar pills (found at Walmart) or drink 1 – 3 glasses per day utilizing the liquid form - 8oz of warm water with 1-2 tbsp. of ACV, a touch of lemon for taste and if needed ¼ tsp of honey (but honey is sugar, so be limiting)
    • Diatomaceous Earth – take 1 tsp. twice per day – in the morning and before bed (I add a tablespoon into my smoothie every morning and don’t even notice it in there) -it is a bit different texture to just have with water. I have also mixed it in with porridge. This is beneficial as it dehydrates the bad candida/bacteria and parasites. It also has many benefits other than that mentioned above.
    • Do a parasite cleanse – there are different ones for this and it depends on personal preference – do some research on this to see what is the best fit for you. Changing your diet helps immensely with this but adding a cleanse just assists in the elimination of them. This aids in eliminating the parasites. A lot of people find this part of the conversation ugly or disgusting, but they are there, they are everywhere – think about how cancer spreads. My thought is that if we had better control of our parasites, things wouldn’t spread so quickly in our bodies. These little guys travel and they may take things with them when they travel along the way. This is just my theory, but it does make sense…
  3. Take Probiotics to bring back the good candida – 30 Billion or more. This brings good bacteria into your body to fight the bad bacteria and in the process it promotes healthy digestive and gut health.

Possible Causes:

  • C- section births (babies miss out on the good bacteria provided when being delivered vaginally)
  • Bottle fed babies (babies don’t get the good bacteria that is transferred while breast feeding)
  • weakened immune system
  • taking medications (toxins)
  • food (too many carbohydrates, sugar overload)
  • birth control pills
  • pregnancies
  • high estrogen levels
  • alcohol consumption (full of sugar, carbs & grains)
  • elevated stress levels
  • diabetes or borderline diabetes
  • toxic work environment (chemicals, fumes, etc.)

Candida overgrowth in the gut is a real thing, and being on a strict sugar-free, grain-free, and dairy-free diet helps to restore the right balance of yeast in the body. The goal is to starve the yeast by taking away the foods and beverages it could be feeding off of. That means no bread, pastries, pasta, chips, cereal, fried food, cheese, milk, starchy vegetables (like corn and potatoes), sugary desserts, fruit, soda, alcohol, or coffee.

There is no set amount of time to follow the diet; some people feel better after a month being on it, while others see their symptoms clear up after three, six months, etc. However, once you do feel better and see symptoms disappear, you shouldn’t immediately go back to eating Dunkin Donuts and pizza every day. After resolving symptoms, foods that have been eliminated are systematically added back, but the goal is not to go back to a way of eating that triggers another imbalance.


Some people may experience negative symptoms when first starting this lifestyle change; such as fatigue, headaches, mood swings or changes in sleep patterns. This is very normal as you are basically offloading your sugar excess being stored in the body while at the same time your body is going through a form of withdrawal.

This can take anywhere from 1 – 8 weeks depending on the amount of sugar that will be coming out of your body. Persevere through the tough time at the beginning because you will be very happy with the results. You will feel better, sleep better, be more rested, have energy and will more than likely lose weight.

I understand that this takes discipline, desire and dedication. I also understand that my body didn’t get here overnight – it has taken years for this infestation to happen and it is not going to go away overnight or without a fight. They’ve been having a party in your body for years and you are now taking steps to shut that party down – they will get irritated and cause more aggravation for you. In saying this, be mindful of when you choose to start doing this.

An easy explanation that I have used loosely for better understanding is healthy Candida flow through and in your body kind of like blood cells. They are round, smooth, and flow. When they change from healthy to infected their structure changes to being like a cactus. In this form they start sticking together which creates a strength and then they just keep clumping together and growing causing more and more irritations and symptoms that we slowly get used to over time and just learn to live with.

Take charge of your life and do what you can – it’s your body – it’s your choices. Google information and really find the options that will work for you and your lifestyle.

Before starting the candida diet, there are several things to consider:

  • Start out slow: Instead of removing sugar, caffeine and gluten from your diet all at once, focus on removing one thing at a time to ease the process.
  • It’s meant to be short-term: This diet is meant to be used short-term until your symptoms have improved and a little after that. It’s not meant to replace a long-term diet plan.

Foods to Eat:

Focus on incorporating these foods while on the candida diet:

  • Low-sugar fruits: Lemon, limes, berries (may be eaten in small amounts).
  • Non-starchy vegetables: Asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, kale, celery, cucumber, eggplant, onion, spinach, zucchini, tomatoes and rutabaga (best if eaten raw or steamed).
  • Gluten-free grains: Millet, quinoa, oat bran and buckwheat.
  • High-quality protein: Chicken, eggs, salmon, turkey and sardines (organic, pasture-raised and wild-caught varieties are best).
  • Healthy fats: Avocado, olives, unrefined coconut oil, flax oil, extra-virgin olive oil and sesame oil.
  • Certain dairy products: Butter, organic kefir or plain yogurt. Use either unsweetened coconut or almond milk. Do Not choose a soy milk as soy is a phytoestrogen or a plant based estrogen that will continue your symptoms. Soy is commonly used to help women when going through menopause because of this.
  • Nuts and seeds low in mold: Almonds, sunflower seeds, coconut or flaxseed.
  • Herbs and spices: Black pepper, salt, cinnamon, dill, garlic, ginger, oregano, rosemary, paprika, turmeric and thyme.
  • Condiments: Apple cider vinegar, coconut aminos and sauerkraut.
  • No-sugar sweeteners: Stevia, erythritol and xylitol.
  • Non-caffeinated beverages: Herbal teas, chicory coffee, filtered water, homemade almond milk, coconut milk (look for one without additives) and water infused with lemon or lime.

In addition, probiotic supplements may help alleviate inflammation, kill off harmful organisms and reduce the prevalence of candida and infection symptoms. You will need one that has 30 Billion or more to get on top of things. Anything less than that and it will be harder to overtake the bad bacteria.

The candida diet promotes the consumption of whole and low-sugar foods, non-starchy vegetables, healthy protein, non-caffeinated beverages and gluten-free grains.

Foods to Avoid:

The list of foods to avoid on the candida diet include:

  • High-sugar fruits: Bananas, dates, raisins, grapes and mango.
  • Grains that contain gluten: Wheat, rye, barley and spelt.
  • Certain meats: Deli meats and farm raised fish.
  • Refined oils and fats: Canola oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil or margarine.
  • Condiments: Ketchup, soy sauce, white vinegar, BBQ sauce, horseradish or mayonnaise, fermented foods.
  • Certain dairy products: Cheese, milk and cream.
  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners: Aspartame, agave, cane sugar, corn syrup, honey, maple syrup, molasses and table sugar.
  • Nuts and seeds higher in mold: Peanuts, cashews, pecans and pistachios.
  • Caffeine, alcohol and sugary beverages: Caffeinated teas, coffee, energy drinks, soda, fruit juice, beer, wine or spirits.
  • Additives: Nitrates or sulfates.

The candida diet discourages the intake of high-sugar foods, additives, and processed foods, certain meats, fats and oils, as well as caffeinated and alcoholic beverages.

Informative Websites:

About Me:

I was raised to always check your options and to consult with health professionals as well as alternative medicine. Over the years, I have consulted with chiropractors, osteopathists, naturopaths, reflexologists, physiotherapists, massage therapy, acupuncture, and reiki, done blood analysis and am a definite supporter of these professionals.

My naturopath is Brenda Rose. She does a raft of these modalities, has an unbelievable amount of knowledge, and has been in the business of helping people for many years. She is a valuable asset, even just to have a conversation with! Brenda Rose Natural Treatment (204) – 725-1465, 2204 Richmond Ave, Brandon, MB and the really neat thing is she can do treatments on people from all over the world, over the phone – very amazing lady. I am very fortunate to have her in my life.

As I have always had a tendency to go toward more natural remedies vs the medical route, I am also using other ways to assist my body in getting rid of this infection in a quicker way to compliment the diet, the natural pills, Apple Cider Vinegar and probiotics.

Beneficial Items to Add or Use:

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Benefits of a Chi Machine: (around $800 US)

1) Temporarily relieves minor muscle aches, pains and tension caused by fatigue or overexertion.
2) Temporarily increases local blood circulation and oxygen - relaxes muscles locally.
3) Stimulation of Lymphatic System which promotes elimination of metabolic waste and toxins.
4) Promotes Lymph drainage and massage.
5) Healthy back support - used lying flat. No pressure placed on the spine.
6) Promotes both mental focus and physical energy.
6) Induces Alpha waves of relaxation in the brain coupled with stimulation of the spine's autonomic nervous system.
7) Provides a unique experience, the rush of Chi energy through the body - enhances meditation.

8) Assists in the removal of toxins

9) Boosts energy levels

What the Chi Machine’s figure-8, goldfish movement does:

• Performs a pure aerobic activity to create an oxygen surplus in the body
 Gives the equivalent oxygen benefit of an hour walk, in just ten minutes!
• Relaxes muscles, relieving tension in back, neck, and shoulders
• Improves circulation of blood and lymph
• Massages internal organs
• Speeds detoxification and healing process
• Rejuvenates and energizes body and mind
• Makes you feel good!

When starting out, start at 2 minutes or less and slowly work your way up to 30 minutes per day as you do not want to overload your system with toxins. This could take months.

As an example, using this machine for 15 minutes per day is like taking 10,000 steps!


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BENEFITS of an ERE Machine

(Electro Reflex Energizer) (around $500 US)

*  Helps to relax tight muscles before and after exercise, or after a long period on the feet.
*  Improves circulation.
*  Relieves pain.
*  Brings feeling back into feet and legs that have numbness.
*  Soothes tension and soreness with penetrating electro-stimulation pulses.
*  Four computerized settings for stimulation - massaging, relaxing, pounding or combination.
*  The remote control allows you to choose the intensity level of electro-stimulation.
*  Far Infrared heated foot rest to keep feet warm via gentle heat stimulation.

When the body experiences pain or numbness, this indicates a blocked, suppressed or damaged electrical circuit which needs to be repaired. It indicates the electrical communication has a malfunction. Electrotherapy promotes reconnection of the body circuitry, stimulation of electrical energy flow, recharging of the cells, and supports pain management by correcting nerve cell communication, thus promoting healing and wellness. Electrotherapy stimulates the nerves, promotes nerve regeneration, strengthens weak muscles and improves circulation.

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Far Infrared Dome Sauna Benefits (around $1000 US)

Benefits include rapid pain relief with reduction in swelling and inflammation, toxin elimination (heavy metals included), increased circulation, accelerated healing, tissue regeneration, wound closure, healthy breathing, relaxation and more.

Drink one glass of water for every 30 to 60 minutes of therapy, to flush out released toxins, and for hydration.

Pet safe!

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) needs to be in the raw unfiltered form with “the mother”. It is roughly $9 a bottle at Walmart or you can purchase pills if preferred at Walmart as well. The liquid can be taken orally and used externally on the skin to help with acne or other skin issues. It can be made into a skin cleanser, toner or used directly on acne. There are recipes on google to make the cleanser and toner.

You can also get it in pill form now if you find the liquid hard to swallow!

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Coconut Oil and Olive Oil are good for the skin as well when used externally – it can aid in the prevention and fighting off wrinkles as well as other skin issues. Coconut oil is best using the solid form – not so runny. Just scoop some out and rub in your hands to become more liquidy.

I have recently found out some interesting information as well about Coconut Oil being very beneficial for your liver.

I will talk about this a little later in my fifth finding.

This was my first finding and I started this journey in November 2019, two years ago.

I took this information to heart and started making the necessary changes to regain my health and my life back.

I continued to read and work through this program – the diet, the necessary additions to get my bacteria back to a healthy, manageable level.

As I started to get my health back, I needed to now look into something else that was going on. Since I turned 40, I started gaining about 5 pounds a year, which really isn’t noticeable in the beginning but after a few years it was getting noticeable.

During 2019 I went back to my normal weight through diet and exercise and was happy with where I was physically. Inside my body was a different story but the outside was getting toned and back in shape.

After my surgery in March of 2020, I started to balloon. I gained around 55 pounds over the next year and now had a second finding I needed to look into.  Why was I gaining weight far more rapid than before?  

I was feeling better than I had in my life, but I sure didn’t look the part. What happened to my body during surgery and recovery that put me so out of whack? I had to figure it out.

Check out this information in my second finding…

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