“June 2023 Spotlight”

Money Making Programs

Money Making Programs

There are many people out there who offer ideas, concepts, programs, events, books, etc. to help you make more money. My first question to that is who are they and how much are they making???

Before you purchase a program and commit to something, google that person or company and find out what their net worth is, how successful they are, if it is a scam, etc.

Here is one that I would recommend and why.

Grant Cardone and 10X

Recently my world was opened up to learn about Grant Cardone and 10X.

Honestly, I am not even sure how it happened.

I am sure many of you know who I am talking about but some of you, like me, might not know who he is.

First I watched Undercover Billionaire Season 2 to gain a perspective on who is Grant Cardone.

Then I started learning about his programs.

If you are a business owner, I urge you to take some time to investigate if any of his programs could benefit you. Grant Cardone - 10X Your Business, 10X Your Income, 10X Your Life

If you are unfulfilled in life check out the link above as well.

If you are an investor, I urge you to check out Grant Cardone Capital. Cardone Capital - Real Estate Investing For Everyday Investors

In my own journey, I am currently taking one of his courses and have done some of his workshops.

Other than that, I don’t want to sway you or tell you anything else about him, other than hope to give you some information for you to go and check into.

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